2011. október 31., hétfő

Ezeket a képeket a tesóm csinálta, ilyen a kilátás az intrijéről.

These photos were made by my sister, it´s the view from her dormitory.

Ezekhez nem is fűzök hozzá semmit, magukért beszélnek.
I don´t have to make any comment, they speak for themselves.


Végre megkaparinthattam a legújabb kicsikémet.
A JYJ legújabb CD-jét.

At least I got my latest dear.
In Heaven.

A CD-hez kaptunk még ajándékba egy plakátot is, de azt csak később posztolom. Meg 5 névjegykártya-szerűséget. Azok is csak később kerülnek fel.

To the CD we got a poster too, I will post it later.
Plus 5 namecards, again, later.

A kis aranyoskk még bevoltak csomagolva, de mindjárt kiszabadítom őket.
The cuties were packed in plastic, but soon I will unwrap them.

No, má kis szabadítottam őket XD
Done. ^^

A nap sztárja!

The main attraction.

Maga a CD álomszép! És kicsit sem vagyok elfogult.
Ez van!

The CD itself is beautiful. And I´m not at all biased. :D

ÁÁÁ, azt nem is említettem, hogy egy photobook-ot is kaptunk.
Nagyon szép képek vannak benne, meg érdekesek, egy világító varázspálcával vagy fénykarddal mutogatnak.

I didn´t even mentioned, that we got a photobook too.
The pictures are beautiful and interesting.

Ez gyönyörű, mint a csillagos ég.
It´s pretty like the star crossed sky.

6. L.D.S.

Amúgy két MV-is észült a CD- hez.
Az egyik már fent is van a GET OUT.

Btw, there are two MVs for this CD.
One of them is already posted: Get Out.

Búbánat völgy

Ahányszor meghallom ezt a nevet elcsodálkozom, vajon ki adhatta ennek a bűbájos helynek ezt a nevet.
Búbánat völgy.
Bár ha népszerűbb lenne, nem lenne ilyen kedves az emberek számára.

Every time I hear this name I´m curious who could name this place like this.
Woeful valley.
Maybe if it would be too popular, it wouldn´t be so dear for the people who live here.

Most csak a kertet fotóztam, nagyon kellemes volt kint időzni.
I only took photos about the garden, it was a pleasure to be outside.

Ez a telek egy barátnőnk nagyszüleié.
The place belongs to a friend´s grandparents.

2011. október 29., szombat

JYJ - Get Out Official MV

‘Elisabeth’ Musical Intro + Szereplőgárda

Junsu Confirmed: Cast as “Death” in the Star-Studded Musical “Elisabeth”

Ok Juhyun – Song Changwee – Kim Junsu Confirmed as Cast for the First [Domestic] Performances of the Musical Elisabeth


Ok Juhyun, Song Chang Ee, and Kim Junsu will rise on the same stage.
The musical production company EMK Musical Company revealed: “For the musical Elisabeth that [viewers] will come to meet in February of 2012 in Blue Square Sam Sung Jeonja Hall, Ok Juhyun and Kim Sunyoung will appear as the beautiful empress Elisabeth and Ryu Junghan, Song Chang Ee and Kim Junsu will appear as death.”
The musical Elisabeth is well-known as the work that has been successful in work quality and popularity for twenty years in Europe and Japan after first being staged in Vienna in 1992 and so the work that the musical viewers of Korea have wanted to see the most and have been waiting for.
And the most pressing of the topic of interest – the role of the most beautiful empress of Habsburg Haus Elisabeth – is taken by Kin Sunyoung and Ok Juhyun who are recognized in both singing and acting abilities.
The original makers of Vienna who have seen the audition videos of these two actresses sent the praises of it being “the best and the most perfect casting in history (of Elisabeth)” and that they could not suppress their surprise at the ability of the actresses to understand the signing, appearance and the character of the roles and to express them.
The musical Elisabeth is a story of the real-life empress Elisabeth of Habsburg Hause and has added to this story a fantasy element of “death” and has become a work that is beloved all around the world, crossing barriers of generations and location. The character Death who overwhelms the audience with the mysterious appeal that cannot be turned down falls in fateful love with Elisabeth.
Death lures Elisabeth who is suffering from the confinement and restrictions of the imperial family to death for all of her life, saying that the only thing that can give her freedom is death—it is death itself. This is a fantasy character that transcends gender, time, and space and so in abroad performances actors in their 20’s to 50’s have appeared and crossing the ages they have each shown different appeals.
The role of Death for the first stage has been chosen to be Rhy Junghan who has the nickname of “the specialty actor of first [domestic] stages of licensed musical”, Song Chang Ee who has both charisma and softness, and JYJ’s Kim Junsu who has solidified his standing as a musical actor.
The Korea performances of the musical Elisabeth which has had its 20th anniversary after its first performance will take place in the Blue Square Samsung Jeonja Hall from February 9, 2012 to May 15.
Source: TVReport
Translation Credit: JYJ3

2011. október 25., kedd

2011 a Dunánál


A nyáron meglátogattak a barátnőim és elmentünk hajókirándulásra.
A Balu fedélzetén utaztunk, először fel a folyón - légvonalban egészen a gyárig-, majd visszafordultunk, le a kanyarig.

In the summer my friends visited me and we went on a cruising.
We traveled on Balu ship, first upriver till the factory, then we came back and went till the Danube´s curve.

Áthaladtunk a híd alatt és lefolytunk a Bazilika mellet.
We passed under the bridge and beside the Bazilika.

Közben elhaladtunk a Duna és a Garam összefolyásánál.
 We passed the place where theDanube and the Garam unit together.



Yuu, Ééé, Hime.